Embrace the             of watercolors and create stunning landscapes that give you all the feels. 


your next watercolor obsession

brought to you by



| mastering mood

We all want to make paintings that stir the soul. The kind that has dinner guests staring at the wall in awe, offering to buy our gorgeous piece right then and there... saying, "wait, this is your work?"

I know, the thing about watercolors that makes them so beautiful is also what makes them so dang hard to use.

I mean, the stuff is transparent— it feels unforgiving on like 63 different levels! ;)

Guess what though?  It actually doesn't have to be hard. 

Not only is it possible but it's nearly guaranteed that you already have everything you need to create paintings you’re absolutely obsessed with.

So what's holding you back?

I see you scrolling over there, swooning over those #moodygrams... wondering what it's gonna take for you to paint something like that...

Does this sound familiar?

"things feel a bit stuck"

You’ve watched *all* the Youtube videos and even though you’ve figured out the basics of watercolor painting, things feel…stuck. 

"i just want to get better at this"

It’s looking more and more like the jump between where you are now and where you want to go is too wide. You were inspired, but now you're confused. You want to paint things that feel more true to you—more meaningful.

that's where I come in!

Frustration, irritation, self-doubt. It all hurts. There's a desire to get out of here but you're not sure how.  What do you really need? More practice? More inspiration? Is scrolling helping or making you feel worse?

let's get real

"what's it really gonna take?"

Boy do I know this place like the back of my hand


"Mastering mood was one of the best investments I've ever made in myself."


This totally unique watercolor painting course was designed to help you stop overthinking and start painting incredible watercolor landscapes intuitively and freely. 

Inside of this course is the only place you'll learn my signature technique for creating evocative, misty, uniquely realistic landscapes—which has landed my work in galleries all around the country. 

Meaningful, emotionally evocative art is in you! It's just a matter of remembering your own natural creativity.  Whether you choose to start with the fundamentals of watercolor painting or dive right into the core curriculum, the Mastering Mood content is designed to meet you where ever you are on your painting journey.

When I set out to make Mastering Mood, I was determined to create the most unique and comprehensive watercolor landscapes course out there—and I'm pretty sure it is

the Layered Wash Technique

Welcome to your newest watercolor obsession: 

Wanna peek inside the course?

let me show you around!

Mastering Mood


Wanna take a look inside the course?

The Layered Wash Technique

Learn my signature Layered Wash Technique and begin creating misty, semi-abstract landscape backgrounds. Not quite ready to dive in? I've got you covered with a wealth of bonus content to teach you everything you need to get started with watercolors. 

let me show you around!

Module 01

Now that you've learned how to create layered landscapes, let's spice things up and add more color. Follow along as I layer multiple colors and even complementary colors to create slight variations in my landscapes, and *magically* avoid making a muddy mess.

Introducing a Colorful Palette

Module 02

Alrighty, all that the misty goodness is finally ready for some trees! Learn how to use the tiniest of brushes to paint detailed coniferous and deciduous trees. Then I'll show you how to add 'em to your landscape so they look like they belong there.

Painting the Forest

Module 03

I teach how to create beautiful landscapes without the use of reference photos. I know, you're probably thinking: whaaat?! How?! All you need is a lesson in composition and you're set for life. Seriously, I find the art that comes out of this approach feels way more evocative.

Assembling Your Landscape

Module 04

Adding by Taking Away

Ahh yes, it's time to introduce... *drumroll*... negative space. When painting with watercolors, knowing how to incorporate negative space (especially when we're going for that misty look), is the bee's knees! 

Module 05

Painting a Dramatic Sky

I learned the hard way that moody landscapes without equally evocative skies fall... flat. So I created an extra module to demonstrate how to add a continuous, moody sky to your scene. I hand over all my tips and tricks for maintaining gorgeous contrast and balance to give your landscape a more than a touch of realism.

Module 06

Painting Sunlight

Dark, stormy skies create real emotion in landscapes. But direct sunlight, painted with rich warm colors can actually do the same. Learn how to incorporate a blazing sun near dusk or dawn, and lift out paint to create rays of light as they peek through the trees.

Module 07

Painting Reflections on Still Water

Mastering the Layered Wash Technique paves the way for creating water scenes that stir the soul like the forest vibes do. Wrap up the course with gorgeous, realistic tree-line reflections on calm water. 

Module 08

"I have bought a ton of courses over the last few years but yours is the first that I’ve actually been able to really get into. It’s helped me tremendously with my growth as an artist."

- stephanie s.

"Mastering Mood was a complete joy for me."

I have been painting for just over 3 years and I have been drawn to Dani’s artistry and style for some time. Her methods and strategies for achieving the mood and mystery of her paintings were fun to learn and apply. Dani was patient; she was always available to help. 

- taylor d.

"The whole Mastering Mood experience gave me the tools and confidence to paint at a whole new level. I might have been able to figure this out myself but it would have taken years. Dani is such a genuine person and artist. Her encouragement was exactly what I needed."

- LEILA s.

"Dani makes it possible to feel like you’re making art very quickly!"

Dani is a very warm and welcoming teacher with a wealth of talent and experience in the watercolour genre. Her course is extremely user friendly with videos you can come back to, which is perfect for beginners. I’d highly recommend this course! 

- nikki r.

"Mastering Mood is amazing and well
worth the price!"

Dani has a very unique style of painting and it is so great to learn from her! If you ever have any trouble you will find great support. I highly recommend this course!

- cecelia d.

" Everyone needs to take this course."

This course changed the way I paint and it changed my presence in my local art world. Everyone needs to take this course. Danielle is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your technique with us.


So, how much does it cost?

8 Modules of Step-by-Step Painting Videos & Materials Guide (value: $2100)
The Fundamentals Refresher: A Comprehensive Introduction to Watercolor Painting (value: $250)
5 BONUS Mini Technique Tutorials (value: $175)
1 BONUS Module for Incorporation Additional Subjects into Your Landscape (value: $250)
Exclusive Access to our Private Facebook Community

this is sounding good!

Oh snap! That's a total value of $2775+

When you enroll today, you'll get instant access to:

In an ideal world, we'd be painting together in my studio, trying not to dip our paint brushes into our tea cups. But since I aim to serve students all around the world, I'm offering this content to you virtually. This way you can move through all of the lessons at your own pace, in your little corner of the world at a price that works for you.

monthly payments of $110

yes! I'm ready—let's do this!

Best value

select the plan that works for you:

A one-time payment of 

Oh yeah, i'm in!


I knew what I wanted to paint, I just didn't know how to get my paper to match the picture in my head. Man, was I on the struggle bus, feeling light I might ride it permanently. I couldn't seem to figure out the medium or the technique for getting to a place where I could render the exact image I had in my mind.

Then my friend Erik asked me to paint 25 bookmarks in two days. He suggested landscapes because they would be gifted to a group of monks living in a monastery in rural Ireland—it was only fitting. And just like that, when I least expected it, the Layered Wash Technique was born. 

Now I'm handing over the exact step-by-step process I use to make paintings for galleries across the country.

I figured out how to do it so you don't have to!

you don't need to reinvent the wheel

I'm a self-taught professional artist with a nerdy left brain that loves all the techy stuff of creating online art courses. I'm obsessed with oils and acrylic inks, but watercolors were my first love. I'm on a mission to empower artists with the skills, confidence and trust to work with their creative intuition instead of against it

I've learned (and am still learning!) that so little of the creative process has anything to do with skills, or even practice (I know, unpopular opinion?) I've actually found that getting good at art has almost everything to do with trusting the process and trusting that creativity is our natural state. Learning to trust... well, that's a whole practice in and of itself.

This is how I've managed to go from total newb to pro (paid) artist in just under five years. Trust = flowing with our creative intuition instead of against it. 

When we trust, we move patiently and gently, which makes for better attention to detail and wiser, grounded creative choices.

When we trust, we don't have to know all the answers and we can become enlivened by curiosity. "I hope..." becomes "I wonder..." and incredible new ideas emerge.

When we trust, we operate from the understanding that we are inherently capable of learning anything. So we learn efficiently and joyfully and quickly apply new skills.

how does trust make us better artists?

 Every time I re-watch the videos I learn something new about the painting process and about my own approach to painting. I love how relaxing it is to paint alongside you and “let go” into the process. I know it sounds funny but this course feels like therapy!

- Nomali K.

"I’ve gone through Mastering Mood four times already. It’s just so good!" 

It's a one-of-a-kind watercolor painting course.

One question I commonly get about Mastering Mood has to do with the price tag on this puppy—and I get it! It's definitely a whole different beast than your how-to-for-beginners Skillshare class.

Here's the thing, what I teach in this course is not your typical watercolor curriculum. Sure there's probably some overlap with the stuff you'll encounter on Youtube. But the core curriculum? That's its own mood, baby!

You see, the focus of this course is my signature Layered Wash Technique, which is a very specific, stylized way of working with the transparency of watercolors. I use it to create misty landscapes, but it can really be adapted to any subject and it's a fantastic jumping-off point for developing your own painting style.

when we study one thing thoroughly, when we emerse ourselves in a practice, we end up learning a lot more than when we dabble in a bunch of different things

Lots of other courses don't start with the fundamentals and work their way into a specific technique. I made this course to be a one-stop shop kinda course so you can really dive in. That's how learning happens.

If you're like me, you don't want to be painting shapes and other random things to "practice" certain techniques—you want to apply them to something useful! That's exactly why I've built Mastering Mood differently.

I use misty, moody landscapes as a (satisfyingly fun) vehicle for learning to play and create loosely with watercolors. For learning to trust ourselves. I don't want you spending hours doodling in your sketchbook before making real art! Where's the fun in that? 

Let's do this thing.


What's the exact format of the course?

The course is 100% digital and includes a combination of video tutorials & downloadable PDF files. Got internet access and painting materials? You're good to go! 

Questions? I've got answers for you.

What kind of supplies or materials will I need to follow along? And what can I do if I don't have the exact things you list?

You'll get access to a PDF file that lists everything you need for the course, as soon as you sign up. Now here's the thing—going with your experience and intuition is a big part of this course. I intentionally keep my colors very simple and repeat them from lesson to lesson. But I strongly encourage you to work in whatever color scheme fits your mood for the day—there's truly no wrong choice here. 

When can I dive in?

When do you want to? :)
Here's how it works: you'll sign up, get some emails with instructions for setting up your Thinkific account (this is where the course is hosted), and as soon as that's all done, you're good to go! 

How long will I have access to the course content?

Forever and ever. Seriously, I grant "lifetime" access to all my courses because I want you to pick this up whenever you need a little inspo. And if I do add any new content in the future, you'll have access to that too. 

I'm getting a bonus offer! But I don't really have time to take the course now. Can I sign up now and actually start another time?

Oh yes my friend! Here's the deal. You can sign up right now and start whenever, including a year from now! Then you can work completely at your own pace. There's no time-sensitive content—everything is available to you right away and will stay that way. 

Do I have to have experience with watercolors to join this course? What if I've never really painted with them before?

Well you're in luck either way! Whether you've painted with watercolors and feel like you have a pretty decent grasp on 'em, or you're brand new, this course will work for you. If you are brand new, or would like to review some basics, you'll love the Fundamentals Refresher, which is bonus content dropped right into the first module, created specifically for newbies!

to think?

my top tips for LEARNING watercolors fast

The Complete Beginner's
Guide to Watercolor Painting—


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let's get you set up with a free guide