You want to make art that makes people feel something.

I see you, artist

And you want to be able to do it in a way that makes you feel relaxed, fulfilled and as free & uninhibited as a barefooted child making mud-pies in the rain.

But you don't really want to go at it alone—all of these painting mediums are so daunting. Everything looks so complicated. The endless types and brands of materials & tools, and all the techniques... ugh.

Binge watching (somewhat boring) Youtube videos doesn't really teach you the thing you the thing that excites and inspires you. All you're left wondering is, "when do I get to start painting like that"?

Well artiste, you're in the right place. 

That's where I come in, the art teacher you always needed but never had. The voice of encouragement that trusts your creative power completely. 

What happened over the next few years can only be described as divine intervention.

then one day i pulled out my watercolors. And i kid you not, everything changed.

My story began when I learned to own my natural drive to make things.

I bet you have that drive too! And that's why I think we'll get along juuust fine :)

So, it was 2017. 

I had just finished a grueling 1-year master's program in Biomedical Science and thought I was going to push through to medical school. It's what I thought I wanted—maybe to prove myself to my estranged parents, or to bury my grief beneath 60-hour work weeks. 

But life had other plans. Depression sank in. Confusion. Stuckness. I couldn't go through with it. But if not this, then what? Why do I always have to feel so much? Why can't I just power through like every.other.normal.human.person?!

I began to grow up and take responsibility for shaping the life I wanted for myself.

 Art is life and life is art. Making became the focus of my life.

I began making a whole person out of myself by healing old wounds, I made a home that felt safe, and I made art. Lots of art. And that last one is the reason you're here now!  Eureka!

I had to learn (and I’m still learning!) how to work with the intensity of my human experience rather than against it. 

i spent years learning what could have taken weeks!

It’s one thing to buy and repot enough plants to make the house feel like a jungle, or to make a bombdiggety meal from an online recipe, or to arrange little wild flower bouquets that cover all the window sills in the house... just to name a few of my favorite things :)

It’s another thing entirely to become a fine artist.

So I had a little earth-to Dani moment shortly after all of this magical, learn-how-to-love-and-accept myself stuff unfolded. I had to learn how to translate all of this emotional goo into high quality, gallery-worthy, authentic art. 

But what I needed was nowhere to be found:  I wanted a comprehensive, step-by-step art course that would not only teach me how a new painting medium works, but also how to make an actual painting start-to-finish. 


Making art looks easy but it can actually be really hard. 

I'm helping newbie artists like you find their groove with watercolors and oils without all the headaches & heartbreak.


When I'm not making art or loving up my students. you'll find me living the homebody life in Boulder, CO with my beloved and our kiddo, hiking in our backyard foothills, meditating, reading historical fiction novels, and eating all the instant pot meals

I'm so excited you're here. I can't wait to see what our journey has in store for us :)


now for the important stuff


I use more than my fair share of old-school idioms when i speak. My fave: you bet your bottom dollar... 




i was born in the netherlands and moved to the states when i was 9. people assume this makes me worldly, but really, i've always just been the weird kid.

I am *kind of* competitive at all games no matter the context or the number of children involved (JK, I do have a heart). word games bring out my battle cry.

I auditioned for the part of the lion in my middle school production of the wizard of oz singing Mariah Carrey’s song, "Hero". i've always taken myself a bit too seriously.


i love to laugh-cry at cringe comedy—you know, the kind that makes you want to melt into the ground with secondhand embarrassement. 

Ready to check out the courses? There are a few inspiring options :)

Browse the Course Collection

There's nothing like a good freebie to get the inspiration flowing!

Check Out the Free
Beginner's Guides

where to next?

take me there!
Show me!

I am one of those people who has a lot of self doubt when it comes to making art. I feel like I'm never doing it right and I'm always comparing myself to other artists. 

"Intuitive Oil Painting blew me away. For the first time I felt like I had nothing to prove and I could trust myself to make something beautiful."

Susan found her confidence

Mastering Mood changed the way I paint and it changed my presence in my local art world. Everyone needs to take this course. Danielle is amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your technique with us. 

"Everyone needs to take this course."

Connie became a professional artist

I use what I've learned quite literally every day,  including this morning :). I review the lessons constantly.

"This course was one of the best investments I've ever made in myself."

erin mastered the fundamentals of watercolors


I'll keep you in the loop with weekly studio updates, inspo for artists & art lovers, all made with you in mind. And don't worry, I know spam when I see it and I promise you won't be getting any from me. 

what do you say

Wanna be pen pals?