Embrace the versatility of oil paint and begin making beautiful work faster than you can say,

sign me up!

awaken your creative intuition with oils 

brought to you by

but isn't oil paint toxic?

intuitive oil painting |

It's time for some myth-busting clarity to roll through this town! Are you ready to get the low down on oil paint and surprise yourself with the incredible creativity that lives in you?


Does this sound familiar? You're strolling through the art supply store at that slow-so-you-can-take-it-all-in pace and right as you turn into the oil painting isle, your eyes meet over 150 bottles of mediums.

Lindseed oil, walnut oil, gamvar, solvent free fluid, gamsol, safflower oil... and so many hard-to-pronounce products. And then there's a whole other row of large tins labeled with warning stickers. 

First thought, best thought: "yeahhh, that's too overwhelming. I'll stick to painting with ________". 

I see you over there, admiring that buttery smooth oil paint texture, wondering how you can jump on the bandwagon without all that work...

"i've heard that oil paint is toxic"

You've been hesitant to bring oil paints into the house because of the toxic fumes. You've got your kiddos and pets to protect from this kind of stuff—the creative exploration just isn't worth it.

"toxic or not, this stuff seems complicated"

You've heard that oils are amazing, but where to start? It seems you'd have to spend entire weeks researching all the mediums and complicated rules before you can even try it. All the options are overwhelming—art is supposed to help you chill, not add to the stress.

that's where I come in!

You get it—all mediums have a learning curve. And you'll need to go through some trial and error to get the hang of whatever new kind of paint you try. But you've heard that oils take a looong time to dry. So does that mean you'll just be making mud on your canvas? That doesn't sound very enticing. 

Tell me, does this sound like you?

we've all gotta start somewhere

"doesn't it take forever to dry?"

yep. this is exactly where i was two years ago. 

- Jenny t.

"This course was incredible. Dani's approach is so valuable because you learn how to trust your gut."

the art course you didn't know you were looking for

This one-of-a-kind oil painting course was designed to teach you two things: how to work with oil paint and how to work with yourself as you work with oil paint. 

Here's what you'll get: I break it all down for you—materials, tools, rules, must-know studio habits & practices, and the basic techniques for getting acquainted with your soon-to-be-new-BFF, oil paint... 

Then I pull back the curtain and reveal everything about my personal, intimate process for creating evocative, atmospheric, ethereal landscapes—the very paintings I sell to collectors around the world.

This is the real deal:  I hold nothing back—no secrets, no tricks, nothing. Why? Because I know, and want to show you that what I do isn't actually unique to me! You have the exact same potent, creative intuition inside you. I show you mine so you can recognize your own.

Even if you've never tried oils, I promise you that this approach to painting will have you feeling comfortable and in your seat within the first ten minutes. It'll feel like coming home.

Learning to paint with oils is about to become
 a whole lot more intuitive. 

Wanna peek inside the course?

let me show you around!

Intuitive Oil Painting


Wanna take a look inside the course?

Finding Your Bearings

In Module 1, we whip out the compass and help you figure out where you're going. You'll get the full low down on what oil actually is and how to adjust to its unique properties. You'll be introduced all the basic rules of oil painting so you can create quality work right out the gate.

let me show you around!

Module 01

Break the ice! Learn how to actually handle oil paint, from preparing your paint on the palette to loading it onto your brush. Tune your nervous system to the feel of oil painting and learn make intentional marks. Learn to work with the unique properties of oil paints to seamlessly fix mistakes with my unexpected tool ;)

Making the First Marks

Module 02

Follow along as I walk you through every detail of my painting process and create an intuitively assembled landscape from start to finish. This is where you'll learn to embrace the blank canvas and use the art of composition to guide your process, from the initial marks through the evolution of the entire painting.  Become fearless in the unplanned, unpredictable!

Embracing the Creative Intuition

Module 03

"Intuitive Oil Painting helped me discover my own style"

I had some experience with oil painting before I took this course but I wasn't very inspired to paint realism or abstract art. Dani's Intuitive Painting Process gave me permission to follow my inspiration."

- john d.

"This course was so fun. I recommend it to anything looking to learn oil painting quickly without getting overwhelmed"

- natalie r.

"I've always wanted to know how to paint with oils but it seemed so complicated. All the mediums and oils and rules were overwhelming. I am so glad that I decided to enroll in Dani's course because her teaching style is so clear and calming. I felt like I could just relax and enjoy myself."

- Janice w.

"I am one of those people who has a lot of self doubt when it comes to making art. I feel like I'm never doing it right and I'm always comparing myself to other artists. This course blew me away. For the first time I felt like I had nothing to prove and I could trust myself to make something beautiful."

- susan s.

"If you're not sure if you should take this course, do it! You won't regret it!"

This is my second course with Dani and I loved it. I had a million questions and Dani was super responsive and supportive. 

- laura l.

All those burning
questions about oil painting?

I've got you covered.

You'll find answers to questions like:

is oil paint toxic?

how do i clean my brushes?

can i paint in layers?

do i have to use mediums?

can i use paint straight out of the tube?

what's the fat over lean rule?

when can i varnish my painting?

We can't make a useful course without answering the most common oil painting questions! 

So, how much does it cost?

2 Modules of Lecture-Style Videos that Cover the Fundamentals of Oil Painting  (value: $650)
1 Jam-Packed Module of Instructional Videos Covering My Painting Process from Start to Finish (value: $875)
The Course Resource Guide Containing Descriptions of all My Carefully Curated Materials (value: $250)
Your Composition Cheat Sheet for Creating Exquisite Structure & Flow within Your Intuitive Landscape (value: $425)
Exclusive Access to our Private Facebook Community

this is sounding good!

did you catch all that? it's a total value of $2,200+

When you enroll today, you'll get instant access to:

Because I'm  passionate about getting you started with oils in a way that feels good all around, I'm inviting you to grab your seat for just...

monthly payments of $95

yes! I'm ready—let's do this!

Best value

select the plan that works for you:

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I'm a self-taught professional artist with a nerdy left brain that loves all the techy stuff of creating online art courses. I'm obsessed with oils and acrylic inks, but watercolors were my first love. I'm on a mission to empower artists with the skills, confidence and trust to work with their creative intuition instead of against it

I've learned (and am still learning!) that so little of the creative process has anything to do with skills, or even practice (I know, unpopular opinion?) I've actually found that getting good at art has almost everything to do with trusting the process and trusting that creativity is our natural state. Learning to trust... well, that's a whole practice in and of itself.

This is how I've managed to go from total newb to pro (paid) artist in just under five years. Trust = flowing with our creative intuition instead of against it. 

When we trust, we move patiently and gently, which makes for better attention to detail and wiser, grounded creative choices.

When we trust, we don't have to know all the answers and we can become enlivened by curiosity. "I hope..." becomes "I wonder..." and incredible new ideas emerge.

When we trust, we operate from the understanding that we are inherently capable of learning anything. So we learn efficiently and joyfully and quickly apply new skills.

how does trust make us better artists?

It's not just for beginners! I learned so much about oil paint that I didn't know before.
I was needing some inspiration and I got it!  

- kerry r.

"I wasn't new to oil painting when I enrolled in this course but I LOVED it!" 

You won't find another course like this. 

you'll be empowered to paint something unique and authentic to you right out the gate.

Most online painting courses are project-based.  What does that mean? Well, you'll receive a list of specific paint colors and brushes to buy, and then you'll follow along with your instructor as they paint a very specific, pre-planned painting.

By the end you'll (hopefully) have a painting that looks identical to the reference image and your instructor's piece. 

This can be a great way to learn! In fact I've taken some courses like this myself. But I find that they leave something major to be desired. They've left me with a burning question: how do I apply these techniques to my own painting? These kinds of courses are shorter, and they don't typically cover the fundamental rules and techniques of the medium. 

This is why I set out to make a course that covers everything, from a basic introduction to what oil painting is and how it works, to the application of many different techniques within a single painting.

That's not an exaggeration! It was a pushing, forceful, painful process and I hated it 99.98% of the time. Why? 

Because somewhere in the transition from childhood into adulthood I came to believe that learning was something only some people were good at. And I wasn't one of those people. 

But my body equated learning something new with taking a dose of bitter medicine—I instantly became a resistant child with my lips and eyes held tightly shut. I didn't want to learn and I'd only do it if I had no other choice. 

Enter: oil painting. Well, it turns out I really wanted to know how to do it. It took me two years of daily work... Daily confrontation with this foul little monster in me whose job it was to bet against me.

This creative process, as it often does, kicked up a lot of internal junk for me! And just as I was crawling out of my self-made cave, a thought came to mind:

I want to make an art course that make this process a whole lot easier for others.

Before I made this course, I spent two years forcing my way into oil painting

the art of learning how to learn

Let's do this thing.


What's the exact format of the course?

The course is 100% digital and includes a combination of video tutorials & downloadable PDF files. Got internet access and painting materials? You're good to go! 

Questions? I've got answers for you.

What kind of supplies or materials will I need to follow along? And what can I do if I don't have the exact things you list?

You'll get access to the course Resource Guide as soon as you sign up. This outlines all of my favorite materials, and all of the ones I use in the course. Now here's the thing—going with your experience and intuition is a big part of the flow here. I intentionally keep my colors very simple and earthy. But I strongly encourage you to work in whatever color scheme fits your mood for the day—there's truly no wrong choice here. 

When can I dive in?

When do you want to? :)
Here's how it works: you'll sign up, get some emails with instructions for setting up your Thinkific account (this is where the course is hosted), and as soon as that's all done, you're good to go! 

How long will I have access to the course content?

Forever and ever. Seriously, I grant "lifetime" access to all my courses because I want you to pick this up whenever you need a little inspo. And if I do add any new content in the future, you'll have access to that too. 

I'm getting a bonus offer! But I don't really have time to take the course now. Can I sign up now and actually start another time?

Oh yes my friend! Here's the deal. You can sign up right now and start whenever, including a year from now! Then you can work completely at your own pace. There's no time-sensitive content—everything is available to you right away and will stay that way. 

What if I have experience with oil paints? Will I still be able to get something out of this course?

Oh I'm so glad you asked. The short answer is: yes, I do believe you will. Here's the thing: a big part of this course is the guided intuitive painting process. It can be really helpful to approach any medium, including those you already feel comfortable with, in a new way, a more intuitive way. So if you're looking for inspiration, guidance, or maybe even permission to paint more loosely and freely, you're in the right place.

to think?

THe most relevant info for getting started now

The Essential Guide to
Non-Toxic Oil Painting—


just drop your details below!

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