Practice the ancient human art of foraging earth pigments and
artist-grade paints


the gentle art of pigment work

brought to you by

| earth to palette



There's a reason we're compelled to go back to nature and reclaim our relationship with earth pigments.

As artists, we're sensitive beings— longing for intimacy with life, looking for that sense of connectedness. But there's only so much to feel when we can just pop into the art supply store and grab a tube of paint. When we do that, we lose the opportunity to remember where it all came from—where we came from.

Sometimes our human DNA seems to whisper: go back to the beginning, back to that first spark of inspiration, you belong there. 

Are you ready to heed the calling?

Regardless of where you live, you can go outside right now and find the exact earth pigment humans first used to paint 70,000 years ago. 

- Tabitha R.

"There's something really special about painting with earth pigments. Now, whenever I feel stuck creatively, I make paint and it re-inspires me like nothing else."

the diy course for artists

This simple, no fluff curriculum will inspire you to spend way more time outdoors and bring all that inspiration back with you into your studio and your paintings, literally.

Learn everything you need to know to process *almost* any kind of inorganic earth material into artist-grade pigment. This is the only place that I share my modified water levigation process for pulling out only the highest-quality pigments so your paint is nearly identical to the professional lines you can find at your art supply store.

Concerned about lightfastness and durability? Think of it this way... earth pigments retain their gorgeous, vibrant hues through hundreds of years of weather and sun-exposure. There is no more durable kind of pigment!

So yes, go ahead and turn those unique, local bits of earth into paints that will give your paintings something truly special: a sense of place and history.

Really bring nature into your studio

Wanna peek inside the course?

let me show you around!

Earth to Palette


Wanna take a look inside the course?

The Low Down on Earth Pigments

Call on your inner geologist for a detailed introduction to earth pigments. In this module you’ll learn how to to assess your local landscape for prime paint making pigments & come alone as I visit one of my favorite Colorado pigment sites for foraging a beautiful red clay.

let me show you around!

Module 01

Bring your new collection of rocks & soils indoors and get ready to turn them into refined, artist-grade pigment powder. Learn how to make pigments from rocks and stones using a mortar and pestle, and make pigments from soil and clay using my modified water levigation process.

Making Refined Pigment Powder

Module 02

Set up your paint-making studio and learn the exact turning your artist-grade earth pigment into durable, lightfast paint.

Turning Pigment into Artist-Grade Paints

Module 03

So, how much does it cost?

3 No-Fluff Modules of Instructional Videos 
A Comprehensive Resource Guide With Step-by-Step Written Instructions

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monthly payments of $69

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I realllly wanted to learn how to make my own paints. So I started collecting rocks like it was nobody's business. I sat down on the front steps of my house one afternoon and spent hours grinding rocks into sand. When I got to the studio and tried mulling the sand into paint, I learned very quickly that paint isn't just sand + binder... it's actually 

So I started using a process called water levigation for separating out only the finest pigment that would then become ultra-fine, beautiful paint. My standards are high, so I kept refining the process. 

Enter: Earth to Palette—the good thing that came out of all my trial and error! And the one place you'll learn how to make paint with whatever you can find where you live. There's nothing quite like including bits of the actual landscape into a painting. 

I figured out how to do it so you don't have to!

no need to try all the things

I'm a self-taught professional artist with a nerdy left brain that loves all the techy stuff of creating online art courses. I'm obsessed with oils and acrylic inks, but watercolors were my first love. I'm on a mission to empower artists with the skills, confidence and trust to work with their creative intuition instead of against it

I've learned (and am still learning!) that so little of the creative process has anything to do with skills, or even practice (I know, unpopular opinion?) I've actually found that getting good at art has almost everything to do with trusting the process and trusting that creativity is our natural state. Learning to trust... well, that's a whole practice in and of itself.

This is how I've managed to go from total newb to pro (paid) artist in just under five years. Trust = flowing with our creative intuition instead of against it. 

- Andrew p.

"Since learning how to make my own paints, my painting process has slowed way down, in a good way. I feel like I paint more mindfully now. I've been using in my paintings and my collectors love it."

What's the exact format of the course?

The course is 100% digital and includes a combination of video tutorials & downloadable PDF files. Got internet access and painting materials? You're good to go! 

Questions? I've got answers for you.

What kind of supplies or materials will I need to follow along? And what can I do if I don't have the exact things you list?

You'll get access to a Resource Guide that lists everything you need for the course, as soon as you sign up. In it you'll find step-by-step instructions to follow when you're not watching the course videos. 

When can I dive in?

When do you want to? :)
Here's how it works: you'll sign up, get some emails with instructions for setting up your Thinkific account (this is where the course is hosted), and as soon as that's all done, you're good to go! 

How long will I have access to the course content?

Forever and ever. Seriously, I grant "lifetime" access to all my courses because I want you to pick this up whenever you need a little inspo. And if I do add any new content in the future, you'll have access to that too. 

Let's do this thing.


I'll keep you in the loop with weekly studio updates, inspo for artists & art lovers, all made with you in mind. And don't worry, you won't be getting any from me. 

what do you say?

Wanna be pen pals?